Finding a fast and effective solution for sensitivity is no longer a matter of trial and error. Colgate® SENSITIVE INSTANT* Relief reduces sensitivity when applied prior to
Your colleagues have experienced using Colgate® SENSITIVE INSTANT* Relief chairside for themselves
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The Colgate® SENSITIVE INSTANT* Relief toothpaste range

• Superior† occlusion technology4,#
• Instant3,* relief
• Long lasting4,§ relief
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Relief Repair & Prevent

• Superior† occlusion technology4,#
• Instant3,* relief
• Long lasting4,§ relief
• Gum Protection5
• SLS free
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Visit Colgate® Professional
†Compared to stannous fluoride/sodium fluoride. *for instant relief, apply as directed to the sensitive tooth and directly massage for 1 minute. §Lasting relief with 2x daily continued brushing. #vs. a competitive occlusion technology. **Limited to one box.
References: 1. Nathoo S et al. J Clin Dent 2009; 20 (Spec Iss): 123-130. 2. Docimo R et al. J Clin Dent 2009; 20 (Spec Iss): 17-22. 3. Ayad F, et al. Am J Dent 2018;31:135-140. 4. Hines D, et al. Poster #3406, July 2018 IADR. Colgate- Palmolive Company 2018. 5. Lai HY et al. J Clin Periodontol. 2015; 42:S17.
Intended for Dental Professionals only.